Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Magic Man

Out of curiosity, who allowed Magic Johnson to wear that suit?! Now I'm all for being unique, standing out, attracting attention to one's self, but one thing I do not stand for is tackiness and that's what best describes Johnson's suit. It's a bit shiny and satinish, I'm not sure what the material is, but it sure isn't anything normal. Making matters worse is Johnson's shirt, which also doesn't match. I'm not sure if he was trying to upstage Charles Barkley and the fine fellas at TNT or if he just think he looks good. I am currently reading Seth Davis' book When March Went Mad, in which Johnson is one of two people documented (the other is Larry Bird). In the book, Johnson has always liked the spotlight and maybe this suit is Johnson just showing how flamboyant he is.

1 comment:

  1. apparently fashion sense is directly tied to t cell counts
